There Is No Way Dan Snyder Could Be Dumb Enough To Trade For Deshaun Watson....Right????


No. I won't even spend a long time on this blog. Simply- no. No chance in hell Dan Snyder is dumb enough to do this. He can't be. Out of every bad football decision he has made, this would easily be the worst. You cannot trade for a guy who is facing 4 million lawsuits for sexual assault right now, while you are simultaneously being investigated by the NFL for sexual assault. Deshaun Watson is about to go to a grand jury. I don't know what that means. I'm not going to do more research to find out. What I do know is when the words "sexual assault" and "grand jury" are being tossed around, Washington should have nothing to do with it. Less than nothing. In fact, we should never have a player with the first name of Deshaun or last name of Watson ever again. Maybe no Clemson players either, just to be safe. 

We are a team desperate for a QB. DESPERATE. And there have been a ton of rumors the last week or so- Russ Wilson, Trubisky, and Wentz are the names being floated the most. A little Jimmy G as well. Out of all of those, obviously I'd love Russ for the next few years, but he will come at a high cost. Trubisky for some reason is the hottest name on the QB market, and then Wentz right after him. Honestly I don't see the difference between a guy like Marcus Mariota and Trubisky, and Mariota would come at a cheaper price. The NFL's sudden love affair with Mitch is stunning and whoever is doing his PR deserves a big fat raise.

But back to Deshaun- just no. No, no, no. 

Unless of course it's the straw that actually breaks Snyder's back. I could see a scenario where Snyder gets so cocky and so arrogant that he trades for Deshaun and the other owners decide enough is enough and use it as a reason to boot Snyder out of the league. If that is a real scenario and not one I just made up, I'll sign up for it right now. Any other scenario that involves Deshaun though? Absolutely, 100%, no. No, no, no. 



PS: If all the charges get dropped and literally zero comes from this than it's a different story. I still would be very, very iffy about it. But as it stands now, just absolutely not.

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